Dr. Melissa Danforth

Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
California State University, Bakersfield

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Advanced Computer Networks and Computer Security
CMPS 476 - Spring 2008
Melissa Danforth

Office: Sci 403, 654-3180 
Office Hours: MWF 11:00am - 12:25pm and W 2:00pm - 3:00pm or by appointment
Email: melissa@cs.csubak.edu
Course web site: http://www.cs.csubak.edu/~mdanfor/ under the Teaching menu
Course meets MWF 12:30pm - 1:55pm in Sci 414
             T    1:00pm - 3:25pm in Sci 414

Course Description:
This is a continuation of CMPS 376 Computer Networks. Topics covered will
include system security, basic cryptography and network security. We will
begin by investigating issues in system security such as security policies,
assurance, vulnerabilities and trusted operating systems. We will then look
at how systems interact on a network and at new security issues that a 
networked environment presents such as worms, bot nets and denial of service
attacks. Methods to provide better security at both the system and network
level will be discussed, along with how risk analysis, cost-benefit analysis
and other concerns impact the choices administrators have in securing their
systems. Ethics and legal issues related to security research will also be
discussed, in particular, responsible methods for conducting and reporting
security research. 

Labs will provide more hands-on experience with securing systems and 
particular issues with certain OSes and applications. It will not focus on
breaking into systems, but will provide some insight into red teaming.

CMPS 376 and MATH 202 (or the equivalent of differential and integral calculus)

Security Engineering, 1st edition. Ross Anderson. Wiley, 2001. 
ISBN: 978-0-471-38922-4. Website: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/book.html

Topics will be posted under the Calendar section of the course website.

Academic Integrity Policy: 
Assignments may discussed in groups. If the assignment is a group 
assignment, the group turns in one assignment for the entire group. 
However, if the assignment is an individual assignment, each student 
must turn in their own work; no direct copying is allowed. You may 
discuss individual assignments with other students, but you must write 
up the assignment in your own words.  Refer to the Academic Integrity 
policy in the campus catalog.

Computer Lab:
The computer lab in Sci 409 is available for use by students in this 
course outside of class time on a first come, first serve basis.

Grading:	Labs/Homework	25%
		Project		25%
		Midterm  	25%
		Final		25%

Homework/Lab Policy: 
Homeworks and labs may be worked on and discussed in groups, but every 
student must turn in their own assignments in their own words, no direct 
copying. However, any group programming assignments can be turned in as 
one per group. Late homework will be marked down 10% for every weekday 
it is late, weekends count as one day late. Assignments more than three 
days late will not be accepted.

Homework/Lab Submission:
Assignments are submitted by emailing the instructor from the Computer 
Science department server or by turning in a hardcopy of the assignment
to the instructor. If emailing, all files must be in text or PDF format.
Do not use RunnerMail or any other email method. If you believe you 
submitted the assignment on time but the instructor has not received it, 
contact the instructor.

Each student will select a topic in security for the project. Potential
topics will be discussed in class. The project can be purely a survey of
existing research or brief research into the topic. The project will
be graded on a 5-10 page paper and a 30 minute presentation to the
class on your topic. 

Tuesday April 22, 2008 during the lab time.

Wednesday June 4, 2008 at 11:00am.