Coding Conventions

The following coding conventions should be used for all assignments. Have a comment section at the top of your files with your name, the assignment number and the date the code was written. You may add more to the top comment if you wish. Put a blank line between each function body (including between main and user defined functions), between the header section (#include and using namespace) and the function prototype section, and between the function prototypes and the main function.
Use CamelCase for function , class , data member and variable names all variable names must be at least 3 characters
Indent all blocks such as if statements or loops with at least two spaces. For example, your if statements should appear as: if(a == b) { a = a * 2; b = b - 1; } NOT as: if(a == b) { a = a * 2; b = b - 1; } NOT as: if(a == b){ a = a * 2; b = b - 1; } You can use the asyle command to format you braces with " astyle --style=ansi yourfile.cpp"
All your functions MUST implement Logging You must log the beginning and End of every function If your function does not return void: You will need to have the function LogEndAndReturn instead of return refer to Lab01 for more on file logging using the Logger class
Prefix ALL functions with comments in the following format so that can by parsed by Doxygen, Give a full description, list all parameters and their purpose as well as the return type /** @brief * Sort an integer array, creates * @param target The pointer to the beginning of the integer array to be sorted * @param count the number of elements in the array to be sorted * @return void there is no return value */ void SortAccending(int * target, int count);
Compilation: All code must compile WITHOUT warnings. you must compile with all warnings enabled -Wall