What is an algorithm

Algorithms work by following a set of instructions or rules to complete a task or solve a problem. They can be expressed as natural languages, programming languages, pseudocode,  flowcharts and control tables. Natural language expressions are rare, as they are more ambiguous. Programming languages are normally used for expressing algorithms executed by a  computer.

some examples might be

search an array to find a particular value

search an array to find the number of occourances of a specific value

encrypt a set of data

decrypt a set of data

lets look at a very simple algorithm coded in C++ to find the position of a value within an array

File: search.cpp 

template<class T>
int Search(T* source,int source_size,T searching_for)
for(int loop=0;loop<size;loop++)
    if (source[loop] == searching_for)
        return loop; // we found it return the index where it was found
    return -1; // we didnt find it so return -1 to indicate it was not found

or lets say we have a graphics area of 320x240 pixels like so and we want to draw a line from 12,12 to 110,156 to accomplish this we need to color in each individual pixel in the display to create a line as you can see here it is not an exactly a staight line, but many distinct pixels lets look at what pixels we need to fill in to create the line File: pixels.txt

setting the color in the pixel at 12,12 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 13,13 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 13,14 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 14,15 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 15,16 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 15,17 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 16,18 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 17,19 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 17,20 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 18,21 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 19,22 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 19,23 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 20,24 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 21,25 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 22,26 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 22,27 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 23,28 to 1 
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setting the color in the pixel at 109,155 to 1 
setting the color in the pixel at 110,156 to 1 

thats a lot of points how do we figure them out... use an algorithm Bresenham Line Algorithm File: bresenham.cpp

#include "cmpslib19.h"  // general purpose functions for use in this class

void setPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t color) 
printf("setting the color in the pixel at %d,%d to %d \n",x,y, color);

we are not acutally going to plot a point but here is an example
STARTING_ADDRESS is pointer to the start of screen memory
WIDTH  the number of pixels of the screen
this is for a 16 color (4 bit) 320x240 screen

   ADDR = STARTING_ADDRESS + (x / 2) + (y * (WIDTH / 2));
    if (x%2)
      ADDR &= (15);
      ADDR |= (color << 4);
      ADDR &= 240;
      ADDR |= (color);

void plot_line(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t  x1, int16_t y1,uint8_t color)
  int16_t dx =  abs (x1 - x0);
  int16_t sx = x0 < x1 ? 1 : -1;
  int16_t dy = -abs (y1 - y0);
  int16_t sy = y0 < y1 ? 1 : -1; 
  int16_t err = dx + dy;
  while (true)
    if (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1) 
    int16_t  e2 = 2 * err;
    if (e2 >= dy) 
		if (x0 == x1)
		err += dy; 
		x0 += sx; 
    if (e2 <= dx) 

		if (y0 == y1)
		err += dx; 
		y0 += sy; 
}// end plot_line

int main()

  return 0;