Oral Presentation of Converting Conceptual Database to Logical Database CMPS 342, Database Systems Based on the re-designed conceptual database, students will present to the class on how to convert their conceptual database to a logical database supported by the DBMS to be used in the later phase of the projects (relational at present). The class should understand 1. How to convert Entity Types to relations. An entity type may be strong, weak, supper class or subclass. 2. How to convert relationship types to a relation. There may be more than one mothod of converting relationship type to relation. Understand the advantages and disadvtages of different ways. 3. The methods of converting relationship type to relation may be different depending on - Whether the relationship has additional descriptive fields, - Whether the additional descriptive fields are used to keep the historical data, - The mapping cardinality of the relationship type: 1:1, 1:M, M:1, M:M relationships - The relationship type: is-A, has-A and the mapping cardinality of hte IS-A or HAS-A relationship. 4. Some relation representing either relationship type or entity may become unncessary after converting and should be eliminated from the logical database. The class will work on converting Conceptual database into a logical (relational) database. Each student will present the logical database to the class.