I. The Basic or Primitive Data Types of C++ 1. List the basic or primitive data types of C++ 2. How the lengths of int, short and long are defined in C++ ? 3. Does C language have boolean data type? If there is no boolean data type in C, how boolean is implemented? II. Expressions 1. What is an expression? 2. Give the syntax for integer expression. III. Basic Statements of C++ 1. List all the selective statements of C++ 2. For each selective statement, use internet search engine to find and to print the SYNTAX of each statement. Notice that then following is an example of if statement not a rule of IF statement if ( x >= 10 ) cout << " is >= 10 "; else cout " is < 10"; 3. List each of all repetitive statements of C++. 4. Write out the syntax of each of repetitive statements of C++. 5. Write out the syntax of assignment statement of C++. 6. Write out the syntax of variable declaration of statement of C++. IV. Function or Subprogram 1. Write a a syntax of C++ function. 2. What are the purpose of functi:qon parameters? 3. List the methods of parameter passing and their purpose 4. List the pros and cons of each parameter-passing method. V. C++ Tools for Defining User-Defined Types 1. List the C++ tools for defining user-types and explain the purpose of those tools VI. Object-Oriented Programming Features 1. List the three names of OOP features. 2. What is a virtual function? 3. What is a pure virtual function? 4. What is a abstract class? 5. What are the purposes of abstract class? VII. Test Your Understanding of Class & Abstract class: Give a class A and an Abstract class B, which ones are legals and which ones are not legal: 1. A a(); 2. A * pa = new A(); 3. B b(); 4. B * pb; 5. pb = new B(); Function Return Type: Given int i = 100; which of the statements are correct and which one are not: 6. (i++) ++; 7. ++ (++i) 8. Given int & f ( int & x ) { return x; } int a = 5, k ; k = f( a ); VIII. C++ Exception Handling 1. What is exception handling in C++? 2. Three constructs (components or things) are added in C++ to make C++ program will be able to raise and catch exceptions. What are the three things?