Assignment 8 : Application of Multithreading, Synchronization, Socket And OOP Design and Implementation Dr. Huaqing Wang Due 5/18/2020 by 5:00 PM A "live chat", or "online help" allows advisors or representatives of banks, companies, and organizations to serve their customers by answering qutestions online. You are going to modify the GROUP_STUDY program (in to a live-chat program with features defined in section II. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Purposes: Get familiar with - Apply Multithreaing, and Thread -Synchronization, Network programming (Sockets) to solve a more complicated problem. - Use OOP, top-down design method in program design and implementation. II. Assignment Description The "Online help" or "Live Chat" program consists of two interfaces: (1) One for users/customers/clients to ask questions lively on company products and/or services. (2) One for Company-Agents/Advisors/Representative to answer questions of clients about about the company products or services. This assignment will write a online-help prgram with following features: On Customer/Client Side: 1. Enter a user name and zip code in two textboxes, and buttom "Chat start" to bring out a a different window. 2. The window will have at least 2 Boxes, one for typing questions and one for showing questions and answers. 3. Message showing status of representative (such "Clark/advisor is typing") 4. The questions and answers are prefixed with customer's and representative's names. The text color for names, and questions and answers with different colors. 5. A customer can switch him/her currect advisor to another adivisor. On Advisor/Representative Side (after I ask some adivosr at Ortho). If you want to use GroupStudy project to start with, you need to add a new class naned Advisor/Representative. 1. Representative can talk to N customers at the same time (The Ortho company bought the liences for talking to 3 clients for one presentative). 2. A representative can use one shared windows or separated windows to talke to multiple customers. I suggest that a single window is used to host multiple clients. Only one client will be selected to answer his/her question at a given time. The advisor can switch among his customers. 3. If one window is used, a client name is clicked and name will appear somewhere, all the communications will go to the chosen cleint. 4. Multiple representatives can login the sysems and each, and talk his/her group of clients. A represenative can transfer his/her clients to another representative.