
Chapter 05 "Syntax-Directed Translation"

CMPS 450 Lecture Notes - Week 7


Ch 5.1 "Syntax-Directed Definitions"

An SDD without side-effects (no displaying to the screen, no modifying the symbol table, etc.) is an Attribute Grammar (AG). An SDD is purely a formalism. For review refer to these notes on AGs from the Programming Languages course.
  SDD Example of a Simple desk calculator

 Grammar 1. 
 Production Rule      Semantic Rule
 ===================  ======================
 1. L -> E n          L.val = E.val              // final result of the calc
 2. E -> E_1 + T      E.val = E_1.val + T.val
 3. E -> T            E.val = T.val
 4. T -> T_1 * F      T.val = T_1.val * F.val
 5. T -> F            T.val = F.val
 6. F -> ( E )        F.val = E.val
 7. F -> digit        F.val = digit.lexval      // returned by the lexer

Since all attributes are synthesized Grammar 1 is an S-Attributed Definition. The parse tree can be decorated with synthesized attributes in a single bottom-up parse.

Inherited attributes, on the other hand, flow left-to-right and top to bottom in a parse tree. The parse tree must be decorated in a top-down fashion for inherited attributes. Since by default yacc does not easily support inheritied attributes we will not cover them.

An example of decorating a parse tree.

If the underlying grammar is LL-parsable and the SDD is L-attributed you can easily use an LL parser. If the underlying grammar is LR-parsable and the SDD is S-attributed you can easily use an LR parser.

A similar example that uses both inherited and synthesized attributes is this expression grammar suitable for top-down parsing:

 1. T -> F T'       T'.inh = F.val               // inherited
                    T.val = T'.syn               // synthesized
 2. T' -> * F T'_1  T'_1.inh = T'.inh * F.val    // inherited
 3. T' -> epsilon   T'.syn = T'.inh              // synthesized
 4. F -> digit      F.val = digit.lexval         // intrinsic

 The annotated Parse Tree for 3 * 5:

                    T.val = 15  (synthesized)
                    /       \
               F.val=3       T'.inh=3
                  |          T'.syn=15
                  |        /  |        \
          digit.lexval=3  *   F.val=5  T'_1.inh = 15
                              |        T'_1.syn = 15
                              |               |
                      digit.lexval=5        epsilon   

Ch 5.4 "Syntax-Directed Translation Schemes"

Syntax-Directed Translation (SDT) is a complementary formalism to Syntax-Directed Defintions (SDD). An SDT is a context-free grammar with "program fragments" called semantic actions embedded within production bodies. Fragments can appear anywhere within a production body. In this fashion, an SDT can "implement" an SDD.

The desk calculator from lab03 (see ./lab03_files/calc.y) implements an SDT (Syntax Directed Translation). The parser generates its output (the evaluation of an expression) by following the way in which S-attributes are decorated up the parse tree. The final output of the SDT in calc.y is the computation of the input expression. This SDT works because an infix expression is evaluated by traversing the expression tree of the grammar as you would in a bottom up parse. Values can be easily synthesized up the tree during the parse. The actual value of each terminal first is assigned at the leaf from the scanner. From that point on, as an operation is applied to the terminals, the result is trickled up the tree to the LHS nonterminal of a production rule, and so on and so forth. The final value of the expression is synthesized up to the root from the expression below it.

Because attributes are assigned during the parse, the calc.y SDT does not have to actually build the parse tree. The parse tree is 'built' as you follow the inherent behavior of the parser and by computing the result of the expression as you go. Sometimes, however, you need to actually build a parse tree. After the parse you can perform traversals on the tree. For example, you could build an abstract syntax tree (abt) during the parse and then calculate the expression by following a left-to-right depth-first traversal.

Def. A syntax-directed translation scheme (SDT) is a context-free grammar with program fragments embedded within production bodies. The program fragments are called semantic actions. Any SDT can by implemented by building the parse tree first and then performing the actions in an inorder, preorder or postorder traversal. The AST of an expression tree is done by a postorder traversal.

 E -> E + T | T
 T -> T * E | num 

 input:  8 * 7 + 6
       /  |  \
      T   *   E 
      |     / | \
      8    E  +  T
           |     |
           T     6 
SDTs are often implemented without explicitly building the underlying parse tree. An example is the yacc calculator which implements a postfix SDT by an LR parser. It is postfix because all actions occur at the right ends of production bodies. An action is executed as the RHS of the production rule (the body) is reduced to the head of that production. (see calc.y) A BNF grammar G for expression statements as implemented in the calcular for + and * only is shown here (precedence rules are also omitted):

         S -> E
         E -> E + E  | E * E | D 
To turn G into an SDT means adding a semantic action to the end of the production body of the rules. Shown here:

         S -> E        { printf("%f\n",$1); }

         E -> E + E    { $$ = $1 + $3; }
              E * E    { $$ = $1 * $3; }
              D        // note the lack of a semantic action here

         D -> [0..9]   { $$ = $1; base = ($1==0) ? 8 : 10; } 
The semantic actions are shown in this parse tree of 3 + 5 * 7:
                         S  print 38
                         E = 3+35
                       / |  \
                     E   +  E=5*7
                     |      / | \
                     D=3   E  *  E  
                     |     |     |
                     3     D=5   D=7
                           |     |
                           5     7 
Note: There is no semantic action for the rule E -> D. The value of E is synthesized from D in the production E -> D and D -> [0..9]. Similarly, the value of S in S->E is synthesized from E -> E + E.

The final evaluation of E is performed by trickling the attributes up in an postorder traversal of the syntax tree. 3 is hit first in the traversal but 5 * 7 = 35 is evaluated first since the '+' operation cannot be performed until 5 * 7 is evaluated. When 5 * 7 is evaluated its result is trickled up to its parent and then 3 + 35 can be evaluated.

In summary, postfix SDTs (e.g. S-attributed SDDs) can be implemented during LR parsing by simply placing the actions at the right ends of the productions. You do not need to build an explicit parse tree since bottom-up left-to-right scan parsing decorates the tree in the correct order. The attributes of each grammar symbol are available on the parsing stack at the right time during a reduction. This only works so nicely because all the attributes are synthesized.

Not all SDTs can be implemented by relying on the inherent behavior of the parser. Additionally, you can parse an L-attributed SDD by a top-down recursive descent parser but but possibly not by an LR parser using parsing tables.

Ch 5.5 "Implementing L-Attributed SDDs"

You have a few choices with L-Attributed SDDs:

1. Build a parse tree and annotate

2. Build a parse tree, add actions, and execute the actions in preorder. This approach works for any L-attributed definition.

L-Attributed SDDs and LL Parsing

LL parsing is parsing based on a leftmost derivation that relies on a stack rather than on recursive calls.

You can perform the actions of an SDT during LL parsing by extending the parsing stack to hold data needed for attribute evaluation (typically copies of attributes that were assigned somewhere else in the parse tree). Two principles manage attributes on the stack:

1. Inherited attributes of nonterminal A are placed in the stack record that represents the nonterminal. The code to evaluate these attributes will usually be represented by an action-record immediately above the stack record for A.

2. Synthesized attributes for a nonterminal A are placed in a separate synthesize-record that is immediately below the record for A on the stack.

If you have an L-attributed SDD based on an LL-grammar, you can adapt the grammar to compute the same SDD on the new grammar during an LR parse. Use this trick:

1. Start with the SDT which embeds actions before each nonterminal to
   compute inherited attributes and actions at the end of productions to
   compute synthesized attributes.

2. Add a marker nonterminal in place of each embedded action. Make each
   marker unique. Each marker is a production Q -> e.

3. Modify the action 'a' if marker nonterminal M replaces it in some
   production A -> alpha { a } beta, and associate with M -> e and action
   a' that

   a) copies, as inherited attributes of M, any attributes of A or symbols
      of alpha that action a needs.

   b) Computes attributes in the same way as a, but makes those attributes
      be synthesized attributes of M

Ch 5 "Terminology"

An Annotated Parse Tree (or decorated parse tree) is a parse tree that displays the values of all attributes.

A Dependency Graph shows the flow of information in a parse tree. Such a graph characterizes the possible orders in which you can evaluate the attributes - such an ordering is a topological sort. A topological sort is a legal evaluation order of the attributes. Obviously, there can be no cycles in the graph.

An S-Attributed Definition is an attribute grammar that utilizes only synthesized attributes. S-attributed grammars can be evaluated in a single bottom-up pass. S-attributed is a proper subset of L-attributed. Bison/yacc supports S-attributed grammars.

An L-Attributed Definition is an attribute grammar that utilizes both synthesized and inherited attributes, where inheritance can occur only from above (the head) or from siblings to the left of a node in the parse tree. L-attributed grammars can be evaluated in a single DFS top-down pass. Bison supports L-attributed grammars. Efficiency is reduced since the value of the left sibling's attribute is is not known until after the right sibling is evaluated. Assigning an inherited attribute involves 2 passes.