Final Project Proposal

Your final project will consist of a final project proposal paper, a webpage, and a presentation of your final project. The idea and theme of your webpage will be entirely up to you, however there will be some requirements to your webpage that will be based off of lectures ( Bootstrap, jQuery, and jQuery User Interface). Some features of your webpage is to include a uniformed theme across all of your pages, like Project 1. Also, to enable user interactivity with your page such as event handling triggered by a click or keypress, like Project 2. Your final project will consists of 4-10 web pages, with each page having a unique purpose to your site. Being that this course centered on web development via client side, your project may be limited, in the sense that you will not have a server to manage client sessions or have access to databases; (It is possible to mock server side capabilities).

Some ideas for a final project:

To be linked with your project 2, you will write a 500-750 word proposal that will describe your final project website. I will respond on the grades webpage deciding approval for development or whether to make changes to your proposal. Think of the following questions and answer them within your proposal when writing: