Lab 7

Your job in this lab is to create a page lab7.html that simulates a Roshambo (Rock-Paper-Scissors) Game between you and the computer. First divide the document window into two sections (left and right or top and bottom - up to you) using some css. One section will display the selection the computer makes and the other section will display your selection. Download images from the Internet for a rock, a paper and a pair of scissors. Make four buttons on the human section of the screen. One button [Clear Screen] will make all images on the screen disappear( style.visibility='hidden'). Three buttons [Rock],[Paper],[Scissors], when clicked will display an image of your selection on the human side and display the computer selection on the computer side. Make the computer selection a random pick between the three choices. Finally, make an area on the screen to display a running total of the results of each game - Your Wins and Computer Wins.