Lab 2

Your task is to create an HTML website with at least:

A time-saving strategy is to develop HTML code on your PC then upload the file to odin when you are happy with the final product. Follow these instructions to implement this strategy.

  1. Open Notepad++ and write some HTML. Save your file as lab2.html. Keep the file and the Notepad++ window open.
  2. Open lab2.html in firefox.
  3. Return to the Notepad++ window. Make some changes to your code. Save the file.
  4. Return to the Firefox browser window. Click Reload (the circular arrow in the Icon Bar). You should see your changes.
  5. Repeat the process until you are satisfied with your code.
  6. Finally, upload lab2.html to the cs2680 folder in your odin account. Verify that your web page is viewable on your web account.

Congratulations. You have completed the second lab in CMPS2680.