Final Outline cs2020 S19 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14 More About Classes Dynamic Member Variables, Operator Overloading MyString Chapter 15 Inheritance, Polymorphism and Virtual Functions Aggregation "has a", Inheritance "is a", BaseClassPointer class Shape; class Rectangle : public Shape; Chapter 16 Exceptions, and Templates Try-Catch, Throw, Empty Exception Class, Class Templates class InvalidIndex{}; throw( InvalidIndex() ); Chapter 17 Lists ArrayBased List, Linked Lists, Nodes singly/doubly linked, circular w/ dummy head Node* cur = head; cur->data, cur->next, cur->prev Chapter 18 Stacks and Queues ArrayBased & Linked Queue: enqueue, dequeue, dummy head front: head->next back: head->prev ArrayBased & Linked Stack: push, pop, peekTop Chapter 19 Recursion LinkedList recursive traversal, Binary Search Algorithm, BigO Chapter 20 Binary Trees TreeNodes, BST root, insert, search, recursive traversals Quadratic Sorting Algorithms O(n^2) insertion sort, selection sort Hash Tables O(1) static array based hash table with open addressing collision resolution strategies linear probing, quadratic probing, double hashing hash1(int x){return(x % CAP);} hash2(int x){return(R-(x%R));} Sorting Algorithms II Quicksort O(nlog(n)) Mergesort O(nlog(n))