Lab 3 - operator<< operator>>


The purpose of this lab is to practice operator overloading for the input (>>) and output (<<) operators with respect to a dynamic member variable within a 'SimpleString' class definition. In this lab, you will be given a SimpleString class which will contain three private member variables and a private resize member function. The class definition will also contain a default constructor, a destructor, and two overloaded operators, << and >>.

For this lab, you will write the definitions to the private 'resize' helper function, the default constructor, destructor, and overloaded input and output operators. Use the given descritions below.

using namespace std;

#define DEFAULT 15
class SimpleString {
        char* str;
        int capacity;
        int length;
        void resize(const int);
        friend istream& operator>>(istream&, SimpleString&);
        friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const SimpleString&);
int main () {
    SimpleString string; // invoke default constructor

    cout << "Enter a word: ";
    cin >> string;  // overloaded operator>>
    cout << "\nYou Entered: ";
    cout << string; // overloaded operator<<

    cout << "\nEnter another word: ";
    cin >> string;  // overloaded operator>>
    cout << "\nYou Entered: ";
    cout << string; // overloaded operator<<

    cout << endl;