Homework 10

For this assignment, you will be writing a program using cstrings and an array of objects. The behavior of the program will be menu based with options to add a new employee to an array of employees, print one employee record, and print employee paychecks.


Employee Structure

The employee structure definition will include the following member variables:


Menu Options

  1. This will call the function addEmployee. Assign the returned value to your employee object array at index 'count' and update count.
  2. If no employee has been entered, disallow this feature and alert to the user that he/she must add at least one employee. Otherwise, prompt the user for an index and print the employee. (ex. if the user enters 1, then print the first employee which will be in the array at subscript 0 → index-1)
  3. If no employee has been entered, disallow this feature and alert to the user that he/she must add at least one employee. Otherwise, print each employee's paycheck