Dylan Anzaldo
        CSUB - CMPS 4490 - Game Dev Project

        Current Build: Wed May 11 2022
            - Framework used: lab 8
            - Area of Focus: Sprite Boundaries/Multiple Sprites on Screen
            - Intro
                - Objectives
                    - Collect coins
                    - Avoid bats
                - Instructions
                    - W move up
                    - A move left
                    - S move down
                    - D move right
                - Start Game
                    - Press '1' button to start
            - Level One
                - Player 
                    - Movement WASD
                    - Collide with coin to collect
                    - Avoid colliding with bat or lose health
                - Bat
                    - Flys randomly around the center of the screen
                    - When hit by player goes to a random location
                - Coin
                    - Player starts with zero coins
                    - Spawns in a random postion
                    - Each time hit by player spawns in a random location
                    - When player collects 10 coins go to level two
                - Health
                    - Start with 100 health
                    - Each time hit by bat lose 10 health
                    - If health goes to zero go to game over screen
            - Level Two
                - Player 
                    - Movement WASD
                    - Collide with coin to collect
                    - Avoid colliding with bat or lose health
                - Bat
                    - Adds a second bat
                    - Flys randomly around the center of the screen
                    - When hit by player goes to a random location
                - Coin
                    - Player starts with zero coins
                    - Spawns in a random postion
                    - Each time hit by player spawns in a random location
                    - When player collects 20 coins go to level three
                - Health
                    - Start with 100 health
                    - Each time hit by bat lose 10 health
                    - If health goes to zero go to game over screen
            - Level Three
                - Player
                    - Movement WASD
                    - Collide with coin to collect
                    - Avoid colliding with bat or lose health
                - Bat
                    - Adds a second and third bat
                    - Flys randomly around the center of the screen
                    - When hit by player goes to a random location
                - Coin
                    - Player starts with zero coins
                    - Spawns in a random postion
                    - Each time hit by player spawns in a random location
                    - When player collects 30 coins go to game win screen
                - Health
                    - Start with 100 health
                    - Each time hit by bat lose 10 health
                    - If health goes to zero go to game over screen
        - Game Over
            - Occurs when health reaches 0
        - Game Win
            - Occurs when coins reach 30 on level 3