Ch 15 - Supporting Notes

+    The Lambda Calculus      +  

+ the Greek symbol λ (lambda) is denoted in these notes by '\'

+ lambda calculus is the underlying mathematical formalism of LISP

+ the lambda calculus is powerful enough to define any mathematical function
  AND is a universal model of computation - any computation that can be 
  expressed in a Turing machine can be expressed in the lambda calculus.
  (see curry)

+ the BNF syntax of lambda expressions is defined by 3 simple rules:

<lambda-expression> ::=<variable>                 ;; identifier
  | <constant>                                    ;; predefined
   | (<lambda-expression><lambda-expression>)     ;; combination 
     | (\ <variable> . <lambda-expression>)       ;; abstraction

+ lambda expressions describe nameless functions

+ lambda expressions are applied to parameter(s) by placing the parameter(s) 
  after the expression; e.g.,   

     ((\x. (x * x * x)) 2) 
    evaluates to 8

+ a mathematical function is a mapping from the domain set to the codomain set:

   f: N -> N
   f(x) = x^2 - 4
   f(3) = 5

+ the equivalent lambda expression is

   N -> N

  ((\x. (- (* x x) 4)) 3) yields 5

+ a lambda expression can have more than one variable

   (N x N) -> N
   (\m. (\n. (- n m)))

   (((\m. (\n. (- n m))) 5) 3)
   (((\n. (- n 3))) 5)  
   (((- 5 3)))   
    5 - 3 = 2   

+ the equivalent function g is: 

   (N x N) -> N
   g(m,n) = n - m
   g(5,3) = 5 - 3 
          = 2

+ the syntax for a lambda expression makes no distinction between functions
  and values:

  lambda-expression ::=	variable | constant | application | abstraction

+ the lambda calculus supports higher-order functions

+ a higher-order function is one that either takes functions as parameters or 
  yields a function as its result, or both
+ function composition is a functional form that takes two functions as 
  parameters and yields a function whose value is the first actual parameter 
  function applied to the application of the second

     Form: h = f  o  g    // h (x) is defined as  f(g(x))
     Let Z be the set of integers and R be the set of real numbers. Then:
     g: Z -> R                     f: R -> Z 
     g(x) = .5 * x                 f(x) = ceiling(x)
     h = f o g, defined as f(g(x), is:
     Z -> R -> Z 
     h(x) = ceiling(.5x)   

+ apply-to-all is a functional form that takes a single function as a 
  parameter and yields a list of values obtained by applying the given 
  function to each element of a list of parameters

      Form: alpha
      For h (x)  x * x
      alpha(h, (2, 3, 4))  yields  (4, 9, 16)

+   Fundamentals of Functional Programming Languages +

+ imperative languages are based on the von Neumann model of computer 
  architecture - functional languages are not 

+ functional languages are based on a theoretical model of mathematical 
  functions - the lambda calculus

+ functional languages are designed to mimic mathematical functions 

+ the basic process of computation differs fundamentally from imperative model 

+ imperative languages rely on assignment operator (storing the results of
  operations in variables for later use) - managing variables is main concern

+ functional programming languages use function application, conditional 
  expressions, recursion, and functional forms to control program execution
  instead of variables and assignment statements

+ the evaluation of a function always produces the same result given the 
  same parameters  (referential transparency)

+ imperative Languages have efficient execution, complex semantics, complex 
  syntax, concurrency must be programmer designed

+ functional Languages have simple semantics, simple syntax, but inefficient 
  execution due to the high overhead of function calls; programs are 
  concurrent by nature (whether concurrency is implemented depends on the lisp
  compiler - cLISP it is not but it is in clojure and multiLISP - see wiki

+ functions are "first class entities" in a functional language - functions are
  treated just like data - you can seemlessly pass and return functions

+ lambda notation specifes functions and function definitions
+ function applications and data have the same form; e.g., If the list 
  (A B C) is interpreted as data it is a list of three atoms, A, B, and C
  If it is interpreted as a function application, it means that the function 
  named A is applied to the two parameters, B and C; use quote to differentiate
  between the two

+ the first LISP interpreter appeared as a demonstration of the universality 
  of the computational capabilities of lambda notation

+ applications of Functional Languages: (artificial intelligence, knowledge 
  representation, machine learning, natural language processing, modeling of
  speech and vision 

+ purely functional languages have advantages over imperative alternatives, 
  but lower efficiency on all but recent machine architectures has prevented 
  widespread use

+ functional capabilities added to many multi-paridigm languages such as Python
  and Ruby

+    LISP Data Types and Structures      +

+ LISP began as a pure functional language but now includes imperative features

+ LISP is case insensitive

+ Data object types: originally only atoms and lists

+ List form: parenthesized collections of sublists and/or atoms
       e.g., (A B (C D) E)

+ Originally, LISP was a typeless language

+ LISP lists are stored internally as single-linked lists

+ Primitive Functions +

 (tested under cLISP)

+ mathematical operators

       (+ 5 2) yields 7
       (- 5 2) yields 3 
       (* 5 2) yields 10 
       (/ 10.3 2) yields 5.15
       (rem 10.3 2) yields 0.3000002 
       (min 5 2) yields 2
       (max 5 2) yields 5 
       (abs -25) yields 25
       (sqrt 25) yields 5

+ you can re-apply a function any number of times:
   (+ 5  2.1  3  5.5) yields 15.6    //5+2.1=7.1, 7.1+3=10.1, 10.1+5.5 = 15.6 
   (max 5 11 4 13 2) yields 13       // max 5 11 is 11, max 11 4 is 11, .... 
+ QUOTE - takes one parameter; returns the parameter without evaluation ;
  required because the Lisp interpreter, named EVAL, always evaluates
  parameters to function applications before applying the function ;
  QUOTE is used to avoid parameter evaluation when it is not appropriate ;
  QUOTE can be abbreviated with the apostrophe prefix operator

      		'(A B) is equivalent to (QUOTE (A B)) 
+ Function Definition: LAMBDA
   A lambda expression is an unnamed function whose form is lambda notation

        e.g., (LAMBDA (x) (* x x)) is a function where x is a bound variable

   Lambda expressions can be applied

      ((LAMBDA (x) (* x x)) 7) yields 49
      ((lambda (x) (+ x 100)) 1)  yields 101

+ List Functions: CONS, LIST, APPEND

  CONS takes two parameters: the first is an atom or a list and the second is
  a list; returns a new list that includes the first parameter as its first 
  element and the second parameter as the remainder of the list 

      (CONS 'A '(B C)) yields (A B C)
      (CONS 'a '())    yields (A)
  LIST takes any number of parameters; returns a list with parameters as 

  (LIST '(A B) 'C)  yields ((A B) C)
  (LIST 1 2 'foo) yields (1 2 FOO)             // don't need to quote numbers
  (LIST 1 'a (LIST 2 'b)) yields (1 a (2 b))   // functions are treated as data 
  (LIST (read) (read) (read))                 // reads 3 elements from stdin 

  APPEND takes two lists and joins them 
  (APPEND '(a b c) '(1 2 (3))) yields (A B C 1 2 (3))  

+ List Functions: CAR, CDR, CADR, CDDR, CXR, where X is an combination of D,A 

  CAR takes a list and returns the first element of that list

      (CAR '(A B C)) yields A
      (CAR '((A B) C D)) yields (A B)
  CDR takes a list and returns the list after removing its first element 

      (CDR '(A B C)) yields (B C)
      (CDR '((A B) C D)) yields (C D)

  CADR takes a list and returns the CAR of the CDR
      (cadr '(a b c d))  yields B 

  CDDR takes the cdr of the cdr 
      (CDDR '(A B C D)) yields (C D)

+ Predicate Functions: EQUAL, LISTP, ATOM, NULL

   EQUAL takes two symbolic parameters; it returns #T if both parameters 
   are atoms and the two are the same

   (EQUAL 5 5) yields T
   (EQUAL 'A 'A) yields T
   (EQUAL 'A '(B)) yields NIL 

   ATOM takes one parameter; it returen T if the parameters is an atom else NIL

   (atom 'a) yields T
   (atom '()) yields T   // note result here
   (atom '(a)) yields NIL 

   LISTP takes one parameter; it returns T if the parameter is a list; 
   otherwise NIL  

   (listp 'a) yields NIL 
   (listp '()) yields T  // note result here 
   (listp '(a)) yields T 

   NULL takes one parameter; it returns T if the parameter is the empty list;
   otherwise NIL; (NULLP '()) returns T 

+ Control structures (special operators) IF, COND, DO

  IF takes three arguments 
  (IF first second third)  // if first is true do second else do third

  (IF (< 5 3) (list 'a 'b) (list 'b 'c))  yields (b c)

   DO can be compared to C 'for' where control and update are reversed
   (DO                          ; for
       ((i 1                  ; i = 1;
         (+ i 1)))             ; i++
         ((> i n))             ; i <= 10
          (print i)           ; printf("\n%d", i);

   COND is a switch; i.e., if-then-else 
      ((< n 0) nil)                 ; if n < 0 return false
      ((eq n 0) (car l))             ; else if n==0 return car of list
      (t (cdr l)))                    ; else return cdr of list

+ Scoping with LET
  (let ((j 10) (k 20)) (+ j k))  yields 30    // bound in parallel
+ Imperative features SETQ

  (let ((j 10) (k 20)) (setq j (+ j k))) yields 30   // binds and unbinds j
  > (setq  x '(a b c))                                 // binds x to (a b c)
  > (setf (cadr x) 10) 
  > x  yields (a 10 c)

+ combined many features of popular dialects of LISP around the early 1980s

+ a large and complex language--the opposite of Scheme

+ features include: records, arrays, complex numbers, character strings,
  powerful I/O capabilities, packages with access control, iterative control 

+     Scheme      +

+ mid-1970s dialect of LISP, designed to be cleaner, more modern, and 
  simpler version than the contemporary dialects of LISP

+ Scheme is used to teach intro programming at many universities (Berkeley)

+ uses static scoping exclusively

+ functions are first-class entities - can be the values of expressions and 
  elements of lists or assigned to variables and passed as parameters 

+ parameters are evaluated in no particular order

+ the values of the parameters are substituted into the function body

+ the function body is evaluated

+ the value of the last expression in the body is the value of the function
+  Other Dialects  +

+ ML is a static-scoped and strongly typed functional language which includes 
  type inference, exception handling, and a variety of data structures and 
  abstract data types

+ Haskell is a lazy functional language supporting infinite lists and set 
  comprehension (Lazy evaluation is to only compute what is necessary).
+ Clojure is a dialect of Lisp for the Java virtual machine ; Clojure supports 