Lab 1 - Design

In Homework 1, there is a note that says the Line class could be extended to handle any sort of line by having a slope. Write up the design (just design, not code) that you would use to add slope to your Line class. Remember to account for both rising and falling slopes (eg / and \ lines). Your design should state how you would account for both types of slopes, what you would have to add to your program and what you would have to change in your program to support slopes.

Send your design by email to me by 5pm Thursday September 13. You may write up your design in either pseudocode or short-essay format. If using pseudocode, make sure to say where each segment of pseudocode goes.

Note: If you are trying to connect to Helios from home and getting a message about the key having changed, the SSH key on Helios was changed this summer. You can find the new key in my connection guide.