Lab 6 - Basic Inheritance

Due: 10:00am on Wednesday

The purpose of this lab is to define a parent class and a child class for employee objects.

In this lab, you will be defining a child class, hourlyEmployee, that has been derived from the Employee class. The Employee class is given in lab6.cpp along with the main() function. You will need to define the child class in order for the given code to compile since main() has an hourlyEmployee object.

Define the child class using the following guidelines. hourlyEmployee has the following member variables:

hourlyEmployee will also need to override the following member functions from the parent class: hourlyEmployee will also need a default constructor which sets the rate and hours to 0, along with invoking the parent class constructor to initialize the name and SSN to the empty string.

Email lab6.cpp to me when you have completed defining the child class.