Lab 6 - Drivers and Function Validation

A driver routine tests a function by passing data to it. In this lab, you will be implementing a driver for the calcHypotenuse function from Midterm 1. You will also validate the input given to the calcHypotenuse function. This function calculates the length of a right triangle from the lengths of the two sides. You may find sections 5.5 (particularly Program 5.7), 6.7 (particularly Program 6.11) and 6.16 useful for completing this lab.

First, code the calcHypotenuse function from Midterm 1. This function returns a double. It takes two doubles as arguments, one for the length of each side of the triangle. NEW: validate that the length of each side is greater than 0. If either side is not greater than 0, return 0. Otherwise, calculate the length of the hypotenuse and return that.

Second, code the driver routine in main. This is a do-while loop which will ask the user for the lengths of the two sides, read in the lengths, call calcHypotenuse with those lengths, print the return value from calcHypotenuse and ask the user if they wish to enter data for another triangle. The pseudocode for this driver routine is:

  prompt user for the lengths of both sides
  read data from keyboard into a and b
  call calcHypotenuse(a,b) and print return value to the screen
  ask the user if they wish to continue
  read from keyboard into response
while response is Y or y
This driver routine is a loop that allows the user to keep calling the calcHypotenuse function with different values. This allows the user to test calcHypotenuse and be sure it behaves correctly with all forms of input. For example, the user could give a negative length for a and see if calcHypotenuse returns 0 (as it should). Then on the next iteration they could test if it calculates a 3-4-5 right triangle appropriately. The do-while loop in main only exits when the user indicates that they do not wish to continue. Refer to Program 5.7 in the book to see how to code such a do-while loop.