CMPS-4490 Game Dev


This is the programming assignment that was posted on our web page
during the first week of the semester.

Step 1: Name this program: 4490/1/lab1.cpp The program description Write a linux console program in C or C++. Whenever the user presses a key, display a value. The value is how long, in seconds, since a key was pressed. Do not press Enter. Just a key press. Double precision output, 3 decimals of precision. Choose a winning number and show the player that number. A value such as 1.00 or 0.666 might be good. How many tries did it take? Sources you may use: kbhit high precision timer
Step 2: Turn this program into an actual game. You think of a way to do it. One way to do this is average all the time spans as keys are pressed. This will help the user to home-in on the goal.